UE5 Implementation
Loteria Card Game - Engine Implementation

About the project
The idea of the project was to create a simple UI and implement it in Unreal Engine in order to learn the basic workflow using UMG. Also, based the visual style on something from Mexican culture.
Challenges & Goals
Basic UI Implementation and full interactive inside Unreal Engine
Explore Niagara Particles for UI
Tools Used

Ideas & Inspiration
I tried to simulate a reward dashboard inspired by a traditional mexican card game called "lotería" (like bingo but with a deck of cards with images instead of numbers).

The cards
Several of the card assets used were previously polished in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, also Figma was used to collect references and create a couple wireframes.
I used these 8 cards and when you open the project, 4 random cards appear.

UE5 implementation
The entire project is implemented in Unreal Engine 5 combining different Widget Blueprints, in addition I animated the cards and used a couple of Niagara particle system for the background and for the hover action on the cards.

Video & Outcomes
The video is the result of the UE5 implementation and interaction with the project.
Finally, it was a project that lasted a couple of days but forced me to learn new concepts in a very short time.
I learned how to use and set up a project in Unreal Engine for UI
Create UI Materials and use them instead of textures
I explored the Niagara Particles UI plugin on UE5